Church encoding in JavaScript
In the office recently we were chatting about encoding natural
numbers in functional programming. One of my colleagues isn’t a
Programming Languages theory person, and wanted to build a bit of
intuition for it – we asked him how he’d implement addition if he could
not use the +
operator in JavaScript. This is, predictably,
a bit challenging – the base number type in JS isn’t structural like it
might be in a language like OCaml, it’s all floats all the way down.
Natural numbers in OCaml
We demonstrated what an encoding of natural numbers would look like in OCaml:
type nat = Z | S of nat
let two = S (S Z)
let three = S (S (S Z))
With this definition we can think about what some operators on
naturals would be. The obvious starting point are the successor
) and predecessor (pred
) functions.
let succ n = S n
let pred = function
S n -> n | Z -> Z
Simply, succ
adds a S
constructor to our
number; similarly pred
pops a successor off a number, and
it bottoms out at zero.
Okay, so what about addition?
let rec add a = function
S n -> add (S a) n
| Z -> a
add two three(* - : nat = S (S (S (S (S Z)))) *)
This function pops all the successors off the 2nd argument and puts them on the front of the first argument, until there’s none left. Addition!
Church numerals in Javascript
This doesn’t help us in Javascript though. Our encoding of naturals here is structural in the types available in the language, we could probably fake that up in Javascript using lists or objects, but a far more interesting way to do this is something called Church Encoding.
A church numeral is a number which is represented as a higher-order
function. A church numeral takes 2 arguments, a function f
and a base-case x
– the function f
is applied
times for the value n
encoded as a church
(* Apply f zero times to x *)
let zero _f x = x
(* Apply f three times to x *)
let three f x = f (f (f x))
This can be written in Javascript more conveniently!
const zero = f => x => x
const three = f => x => f(f(f(x)))
What does it look like to use a church numeral in JavaScript? Well,
it applies a function n
times to x
, so we can
use it to count:
/* Count to 3 (starting at 1) */
const count_one = x => { console.log(x); return x + 1 }
// 1
// 2
// 3
Similarly, we can convert these Church numerals to normal JavaScript numbers:
console.log( three(x => x+1)(0) )
// 3
And we can implement a general function for casting from Church numerals to JavaScript numbers.
const ch_to_num = n => n(x => x+1)(0)
We don’t yet have a way to build these numbers though – we need to implement a successor function.
const succ = n => f => x => f ( n(f)(x) )
The part inside the brackets n(f)(x)
times to x
, and the extra
outside the brackets applies it one more time.
Now we can implement a function which converts normal JavaScript numbers to church numerals too.
const num_to_ch = n => {
if (n == 0) {
return zero
else {
} return succ (num_to_ch(n-1))
} }
Great, that’s convenient We haven’t looked at addition yet, though.
Two church numerals m
and n
will apply some
function f
and m
respectively. After addition of m
and n
need to apply some function f
// Apply f to x n times, and apply f to the result m timnes.
const add = m => n => f => x => m(f)(n (f)(x))
let five = add(two)(three)
// 5
More fun with Church encoding
We can define a few more numeric functions in Church encoding:
const mult = m => n => f => x => n(m (f))(x)
const exp = m => n => n (m)
// 6
// 9
We can grab more Church encoding from PL literature, too: here is an
encoding of boolean values inl
and inr
const inl = x => y => x /* stand-in for true */
const inr = x => y => y /* stand-in for false */
We can evaluate them by applying them with true
for left
branches, and false
for right branches:
// true
// false
Now we can build some predicate functions, like is_zero
where for some number n
it is evaluated with a base-case of
true (inl
), and an inductive case which maps any input to
false (inr
const is_zero = n => n(x => inr)(inl)
// true
// false
// false
With booleans we can also define some logical operators:
const and = a => b => a(b)(inr)
// true
// false
// false
// false
const or = a => b => a(inl)(b)
// true
// true
// true
// false
Loops and recursion
This is where the story seems to get a little sticky. Curry found the fixed-point operator in simply typed lambda calculus called the Y-combinator.
It is defined as Y = \f (\x f x x)(\x f x x)
, and we can
write this in the same style of JavaScript we’ve been looking at so
const y = f => (x => f(x(x)))(x => f(x(x)))
But when we true to evaluate this, even with a function which isn’t recursive we get unstuck.
y (f => x => x)
We get an error from NodeJS:
const y = f => (x => f(x(x)))(x => f(x(x)))
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Annoyingly, the V8 JavaScript engine (which NodeJS is built on) does not support tail-call optimisation1. There is a fixed-point combinator whose definition works in an eager language like JavaScript.
const z = f => (x => f (v => x(x)(v)))(x => f (v => x(x)(v)))
This is the point where I found V8 doesn’t work for me, and WebKit is too slow. I’ll keep playing and try and build some working interesting recursion examples.
A thread on stackoverflow has an on going discussion about support (or lack-thereof) for tail-call optimisation in JavaScript. The thread↩︎